
Øivin Horvei

Feb 7, 2013


Mar 3, 2014

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"These studies will give us new insight into some of the photochemical processes at work in the stratospheres of Saturn, other giants in our solar system, and beyond." - Scott Edgington, Cassini deputy project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, US

Acidic environmental conditions are definitely not favorable as habitats for life as we know it. The Saturn Archives has found evidence indicating past humid environments on Mars. A recently examined bedrock revealed high concentrations of carbonate, which originates in moist, near-neutral conditions, but can be dissolved in acid. Although these ancient water samples showed that the findings were not acidic, they also indicate a condition that may have been partially acidic. We have reason to believe that such environments, somewhere between life and nothingness, can certainly have given rise to until recently unknown forms of life and species.

The Saturn Archives' work is focused around large amounts of fragments of found material, gathered from several places throughout the multiverse; from travels and excursions through time and space. The Saturn Archives collects artifacts, samples, new shapes and colors, dust and other restored material from all galaxies.

On its last excursion, new shapes and colors were discovered, and information containing drawings and sound clips is now being categorized and archived. From time to time, along with analytical breakthroughs from researchers and experts from The Saturn Archives team, new abstract material will be presented to the public. Parallels and connections are suggested between then and now, now and later, later and then. Things have been, are and will be something new, old and timeless. We invent, reinvent and copy. But time does not move so fast that we cannot see the lines. The Saturn Archives tries to express a kind of modern and futuristic feeling, but at the same time preserves an old-fashioned aesthetic and origin of the things seen from a future perspective.

Øivin Horvei (b. 1977) currently lives and works in Boston (US) and Saturn