
Sara Wallgren

Apr 27, 2017


May 28, 2017

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Central to Wallgren's work process is the balance between interesting topics and working methods. The foundation lies in drawing and sound. She is often inspired by the conditions and physical properties of a material or condition. This is how definitions are created that categorize phenomena. The boundary between sound and drawing is for Wallgren often unclear, and it has been central in the work in this exhibition at Tegnerforbundet . Through material and form, she has worked with the drawings' ability to both add and remove sound. 

Sara Wallgren (1981) lives and works in Berlin. She is educated at The Art Academy in Malmö and The Cooper Union School of Fine Arts in New York. In recent years, she has exhibited at, among others, Galleri Belenius, Lunds Konsthall, Bonniers Konsthall and Teckningsmuseet in Laholm.