
Snøfrid Hunsbedt Eiene

May 3, 2019


Jun 2, 2019

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Snøfrid Hunsbedt Eiene are back in Tegnerforbundet and this time we get close studies of roses and rose folds. This is a continuation of the drawing project where she started by drawing abandoned houses and windows with trinkets and lace curtains. Then she went into the houses and found embroidered cloths that led her to the rose motif. Eiene are known for immersing herself in a topic and studying it from several angles. We look forward to showing the audience her meticulous drawings and thorough studies of denominations.

I have immersed myself in the rose motifs that I found when I previously drew embroidered tablecloths. The rose was the hallmark of pre-Christian Venus, later it became a symbol of the Virgin Mary. In other religions, too, the rose is a strong symbol and the rose garden a favorite motif. The motifs have represented "something else", with reference to the feminine, lust, secrets and innocence. From the 17th century, roses have been one of the most popular motifs in art history, next to man himself. Roses have been depicted as the main motif itself, or as an object that attributes properties to the main motif. The meaning could vary with the motif and in what condition the rose was in. Whether it was in bud or in full bloom - not to mention fallen.

The roses are not drawn in one-to-one size, but close together, many times enlarged and pruned, so you only see a section. In the exhibition Roser: Folder, this is used as a means to see the drama that unfolds between light and shadow and makes one both see and not see the roses. Inside the large folds, a number of smaller folds unfold in an attempt to get inside, into the picture, further into the diversity - in an endless game between outside and inside. What secrets are in there and what is being revealed?

The works are created with pencil on paper. This highlights the denominations in the folds and can point to an understanding of the world that folds into different denominations.

       - Snøfrid Hunsbedt Eiene

Snøfrid Hunsbedt Eiene (1942) lives and works in Stavanger and is educated at Kunstskolen i Rogaland and Vestlandets Kunstakademi. She has had a number of solo exhibitions, and has participated in Høstutstillingen, Vestlandsutstillingen and Sørlandsutstillingen several times. This is Eiene's third separate exhibition in Tegnerforbundet . Eiene's work have been purchased by Kulturrådet, Innkjøpsfondet for Norsk Kunsthåndverk, Stavanger Kunstmuseum and Haugesund Municipality's Art collection.

Tegnerforbundet has guided tours every Wednesday at 16.30 pm. during the exhibition period. For updates on current events, check our website and Facebook.

The events are free and open to everyone.