
Tidevatnet lagar bølgjer i fjell og lukta av furu kan skapa regn

Oct 11, 2024


Dec 22, 2024

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Opening Thursday 10.10., 18-20.

In the fall of 2024, Randi Nygård will curate a group exhibition with diverse poetic and political perspectives on water. Why can't we hold water firmly in our hands? Why does water flow through landscapes, in watercourses and wetlands, in and out of plants, clouds, cities, animals and our bodies, while it purifies and becomes polluted? We don't have a clear answer, but we do know that water is a prerequisite for all life as we know it. Plankton in the ocean creates half of the oxygen we breathe, tidal waves continue into mountains as vibrations, and the smell of pine can create rain. The exhibition will show art in relation to new perspectives from law, science and philosophy.

Participating artists:

Sigmund Skard

Munan Øvrelid

Eli Maria Lundgaard

Signe Liden

Ane S. Landfall

Maja Nilsen

Simon D. T. Wenzel

Thorbjørn Sørensen

Kjersti Vetterstad

Søssa Jørgensen

Geir Tore Holm

Caitlin Franzmann

Marina Guzzo

Kidauane Regina Alves

Photo: Randi Nygård.

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