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Astrid Mørland receives the Drawers' Association's travel grant


Congratulations to our member Astrid Mørland who received the Norwegian Drawing Center's Travel Grant 2023!

This year's jury consisted of Flu Hartberg and Shwan Dler Qaradaki.

The jury's reasoning:

"We have decided that this year's travel grant will go to Astrid Mørland.Throughout her artistic career, Mørland has worked with different artistic expressions, including a surreal and dreamlike landscape. Her project this time is more concrete, and involves a journey to Greenland, where she will study, reflect on and use drawing as a tool to get to know mummies from the 15th century. These are now on display at the Greenland National Museum Nuuk. She writes that she has been fascinated by the mummies since 2009, and we are happy to be able to contribute to the realization of the project. Congratulations on the travel grant!"

Astrid Mørland (b. 1950) was educated at the National Academy of Fine Arts, the Kunstgewerbeschule in Basel and holds a master's degree in art history from the University of Oslo. She has had a number of solo and group exhibitions and has been acquired by Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Oslo Municipality's art collection and Kunst på Arbeidsplassen, among others. Mørland lives and works in Lillesand.

Photo: Anne Day

Astrid Mørland receives the Drawers' Association's travel grant