Current matters

Got through with the new book law


Tegnerforbundet , Norske Bildedkunstnere and Grafill got through with a new book law: Illustrators, artists with focus on drawing and designers are included in proposals for a new book law!

- The Book law ensures equal treatment for the entire industry, says Minister of Culture and Equality Anette Trettebergstuen to NRK.

Trettebergstuen's ministry sent out a proposal for a new law for the book industry. The note of the hearing refers, among other things, to the industry's exemption from the Competition Act, an agreement that enables the participants to enter into so-called "normal contracts", joint agreements that ensure a stable and safe income for authors and translators. The exception has so far not included either illustrators, cartoonists or book designers, which now seems to be changing.

Tegnerforbundet has, together with NBK and Grafill, among others, fought to have these groups incorporated into the agreement, and in the note issued by the ministry we read with pleasure, among other things, that:

"However, the department sees no reason why book illustrators and designers should not be given access to collaborate on standard contracts, and therefore proposes that book illustrators and designers should also be covered by the proposal (...) The department notes that the term illustrators must be interpreted broadly, so that book designers and cartoonists are included."

We are happy that a long work is finally bearing fruit, and thank both the ministry and our friends involved in this work!

The entire consultation note from the ministry can be read here.

Photo: Ilja C. Hendel/Ministry of Culture

Got through with the new book law