Current matters

Members' evening


For members only!



Welcome to the members' evening with a lecture by paper conservator Kari Greve on Monday, May 08 at 17:00 in Tegnerforbundet!

Greve works at the National Museum, where her research interests include art on paper and paper objects in the collection. Greve has in-depth knowledge of paper history, which she communicates in an exciting way.

If you work on paper, you should not miss this!

About the course:

Kari Greve will talk about the long journey of paper from China to Europe and the fascinating cultural history of Western paper. After the talk, we will look at paper, talk about paper and ask questions about paper.

We will conclude the members' evening at 19:00.

Participation requires registration!

Send an email to until Wednesday, May 03 at the latest.

Members' evening