
Exhibition opening - Performances by Sigmund Skard and Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel

Oct 10, 2024


Oct 10, 2024

Exhibition opening - Performances by Sigmund Skard and Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel

Welcome to the opening of the exhibition THE TIDES MAKE MOUNTAINS SWAY AND THE SCENT OF PINE CAN CREATE RAIN Thursday, october 10, 18.00-20.00.

This is happening at the opening:

Speech by Randi Nygård
, curator of the exhibition.

18:30 and 19:00:
Performance Om å få noko ut av det by Sigmund Skard.
In the performance, the artist will examine a cycle of fluid in an everyday situation. After the exhibition opening, the audience can watch a video of the performance in the exhibition.

Sigmund Skard (b. 1952) works with art that is closely linked to reality. New forms and properties of familiar and everyday materials form the basis for minimalist and low-key works - performance, sculpture, objects, photography, video and land art. The aesthetics and use of materials are reminiscent of the Fluxus movement and Arte Povera; spartan, absurd, playful and down-to-earth. Expressions and themes are sober and pragmatic, with roots in popular tradition.

Performance Drawing time, chords, points in land, minerals and ether by Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel. In this work, the artist takes us to a cave he discovered with his father near where he grew up.

Wenzel (b. 1988) has recreated the smell of this place and during the performance, the audience will have the opportunity to experience a scented landscape in the presence of their own body and hear more about his investigation of the place's memories through time, from Stone Age settlements to old farming and hiding place during World War II.


Image: Left: Sigmund Skard / On the right: Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel. Photo: Tuva Heger Bratterud.

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