Numer magazine


Apr 18, 2019
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Numer #119 is out on the shelves, with the illustration Barndomsminne fra Finnmark by Kaare Espolin Johnson on the cover. Egon Låstad has taken a closer look at the life and work of artist and illustrator Espolin Johnson in this edition of Numer. Caroline Larikka has interviewed the artist Tom Kosmo, who in his latest exhibitions has worked with installations of graphic prints, wood sculptures and wall drawings. Ingunn Bøhn writes about the earliest lines we know of here on the mountain, while Morten Harper has been to Angoulême for Europe's most important comic book festival. Ida Madsen Følling is one of the artists who will be showing her work at the Drawing Triennial later this year, and Numer presents a conversation between her and curator Helga-Marie Nordby. Stig Andersen describes a drawing by artist Bendik Riis, and editor Fredrik Rysjedal has spoken to Kjersti Lillebø, director of the 20-year-old newspaper cartoonist's house. We also say goodbye to illustrator and former Numer editor Hans Normann Dahl, who passed away on January 29 this year.