Numer magazine


Feb 20, 2020
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Page 3: Editor, Fredrik Rysjedal

Page 4: Growth in Shanghai - photo report , Mari Kanstad Johnsen and Fredrik Rysjedal

Page 8: Contemporary Art , Eva Furseth

Page 14: Two thousand people and a sudden success - interview with Kristin Roskifte , Inger Marie Kjølstadmyr

Page 20: Behind the day - Dagfinn Bakke (1933–2019) , Egon Låstad

Page 26: The sigh of the mulberry tree and the rustle of the spruces ..., Ingun Bøhn

Page 31: Hope for the future , Morten Harper

Page 41: The Hard School , Walter Wehus

NUMER - Magazine for drawing, illustration and book art
Art magazine, established in 1917.
Publisher: Tegnerforbundet
Editor: Fredrik Rysjedal
Email: numer @ tegnerforbundet .no