Numer magazine


Oct 31, 2019
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Page 2: Leader Fredrik Rysjedal

Page 3: Human Touch, Helga-Marie Nordby

Page 7: Etudes des mains de l'artiste/ Studies of the artist's hands, Pierre Lionel Matte

Page 9: (Still) afraid of drawing mistakes - Interview with Anggjerd Rustand, Åsa Opedal

Page 13: How does drawing the world think?, Anette Højlund

Page 17: The art that is not made to be shown, Tora Sanden Døskeland

Page 21: Leda and the swan – a mythological rewriting – Interview with Marthe Ramm Fortun and Andrea Galiazzo, Inger Wold Lund

Page 26: Touching the darkness - Käte Kollowiz, Caroline Larikka

Page 29: Signs and texts, Eirik Arthur Blekesaune

Page 32: Drawing as physical thinking – Interview with William Kentridge, Eline Bjerkan

Page 38: Drawing Triennial 2019: Human Touch, Program

Page 40: Traces of nature – Norm and eco-awareness is the form of work of the future – Interview with Sunniva Krogseth, Egon Låstad

Page 46: The omnipotent man - Interview with Anders Kvammen, Walter Wehus

Page 51: The line does not stand still - Interview with Magnhild Winsnes, Morten Harper

Page 58: Champion of the physical format, Walter Wehus

NUMER - Magazine for drawing, illustration and book art
Art magazine, established in 1917.
Publisher: Tegnerforbundet
Editor: Fredrik Rysjedal
Email: numer @ tegnerforbundet .no